by Ia Crous | Sep 29, 2022
Fairy Tale Enchantment Fairy Tale Enchantment is Part3 of the trio Locked. The application of Chinese Orange only, mixed with black and white for contrast, leads to powerful and energetic movements. To reach beyond my limits, collages and mark making further respond...
by Ia Crous | Sep 29, 2022
Sing it Loud Chinese Orange is the only color in part2 of the trio Locked. Applying collages, black acrylic ink through the syringe, and other mark making, guides the soul to be fearless. Exploitation of the mysterious provide new challenges and let me grow as an...
by Ia Crous | Sep 29, 2022
Broken Locks Broken Locks is part1 of three small abstract artworks in the trio Locked. Application of thin black ink lines by a syringe, reveals sufferings in Broken Locks. Collage, color shapes, together with textures intensify positive interaction from the outer...