Playful Ripple- Shop Abstract Art-on papercloth. A heavily orange textured piece echoes a ripple on cool and warm shapes.
Playful Ripples

Playful Ripple is part6 of the ninefold series Powerplay. Papercloth is gelli prints on deli paper glued on muslin, and then pasted on MDF board as a canvas.
Good-humored flares of warm and cool hues in a variety of spaces, marks, and heavily textured pieces of stencils explode on the canvas. Every mark starts intuitively, a sign to trust myself.
Compare your emotional connection to the explosion of splashed colors. Charming re-interpretation of your insights, you recognize your valued opinions.

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Painting Specifications

  • Surface: Muslin Papercloth glued to Maison Board
  • Size: 40x40x1.5cm
  • Medium: Papercloth, Gelli Prints, Collages, Acrylic, Ink